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Minutes 05/06/2015
May 6, 2015

A  REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Public Safety was held in the City Hall Auditorium on Wednesday, May 6, 2015.

Those in attendance included Mayor Elinor Carbone, Corporation Counsel Raymond Rigat, Commissioners Darlene Battle, Glenn McLeod, Richard Zaharek, Douglas Benedetto, Angelo LaMonica and Robert Conforti, along with Fire Chief Gary Brunoli, Deputy Fire Chief Christopher Pepler, Police Chief Michael Maniago, and Deputy Chief Christopher Smedick.  Also present were Volunteer Fire Chiefs Bickford, Maccalous and Holmes, and Campion Ambulance Director of Operations Fred Rosa.  

Mayor Carbone called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m. starting with the Police Dept. pinning of Sergeant Kenneth Brouillard, and the Fire Department pinning of Lieutenant Walter Dixon IV and Deputy Fire Marshal Todd LaMothe.

On an amended motion by Commissioner Battle, seconded as amended by Commissioner McLeod, the Board voted unanimously to accept the corrected minutes* of the Regular meeting held April 1, 2015.  Commissioner Benedetto abstained.
*Commissioner McLeod requested the minutes reflect his request for only the Fire Department’s Policies, whereas a review of the recording indicated that neither Department was specified.  Therefore, no correction has been made.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner McLeod, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the Special and Telephonic meeting held April 22, 2015.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the Board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.  
Lt. Mark Hilbert commended all the volunteers, sponsors and participants in the recent fundraiser to benefit the victims of the Highland Avenue fire.
Mr. Tim O’Sullivan of Migeon Ave. reminded the Board of accidents due to trucks losing control coming down Mountain Ave.  Chief Maniago offered to meet with him to consider possible solutions.

APPTS:  Police Officers
On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner McLeod, the Board voted unanimously to approve the permanent appointment of Captain Wayne Newkirk, Lieutenant Vincenzo Calabrese, Sergeant John Maiga, Captain Louis Gonzalez and Lieutenant Thomas Rouleau, after successfully completing their six-month probationary period. 

On an amended motion by Commissioner Conforti, seconded as amended by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to approve the permanent appointment of Officer Brian Fox, after successfully completing his one-year probationary period.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Conforti, the Board voted unanimously to accept Fire Chief Brunoli's Report for March 2015.  Chief Brunoli described his Continuity of Operations Plan training, upcoming region exercises and his efforts at overtime reductions.

On a motion by Commissioner McLeod, seconded by Commissioner Battle, the Board voted unanimously to accept Deputy Fire Chief Pepler's Report for March 2015.  Deputy Chief Pepler updated the Board on current vehicle maintenance and described the classes he took at a recent conference.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner McLeod, the Board voted unanimously to accept Training Officer Tripp's Report for March 2015.  Chief Brunoli explained that any revenues received go into the General Fund.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner McLeod, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Emergency Management Report for March 2015.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Conforti, the Board voted unanimously to accept Fire Marshal Bascetta’s Report for March 2015.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Battle, the Board voted unanimously to accept Police Chief Maniago’s Report for March 2015.  Chief Maniago listed the current vacancies, job offers made and upcoming interviews.  He said the radio system has been upgraded sufficiently to relieve the majority of the problems that were taking place.  Chief Maniago explained how cases are closed, and updated the Board on the schools’ emergency plans.  He said passing a standing school bus law enforcement has increased due to cameras installed on several buses and our participation in the Redflex Program.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Conforti, the Board voted unanimously to accept Officer Pisarski's Traffic Operations Unit Report for March 2015.

On a motion by Commissioner Zaharek, seconded by Commissioner LaMonica, the Board voted unanimously to accept the EMS Provider Activity Report for March 2015.
On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Battle, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by Volunteer Fire Departments.  No business was presented.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Battle, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by Department Heads.  

Chief Maniago pointed out an article by Det. Tieman in the nationally distributed ‘Police Beat’ magazine.  He said the K9 is half-way through its training, he has issued two conditional job offers and has one officer graduating from the Academy on May 18th.  He commended the Detective Bureau, Patrol Division, Deputy Chief, Capt. Newkirk and Capt. Gonzalez for the seamless operation during the recent homicide.

Chief Brunoli said the Firefighters’ recent fundraiser was a great effort and he thanked all those who helped.  He noted that he issued an order to his Captains to refrain from allowing anyone to burn with a burn permit until there is a lot of rain.

Deputy Fire Chief Pepler reported on recent brush fires, which keep the Fire Dept. very busy and are extremely labor intensive.  He commended the mechanics in our Vehicle Maintenance Department especially Dennis Klonoski who goes above and beyond to make sure our vehicles stay running.  He said all the staff members there are huge assets to the City.

Deputy Police Chief Smedick reported that a member of our local PAL, Kaylee Ceruto, would be nationally recognized as the national PAL volunteer of the year.  Mayor Carbone agreed that it is a great tribute to the PAL program and the City of Torrington, and she is proud of that accomplishment.
Director Rosa announced May 17 – 23 as EMS week and invited everyone to ride along or visit them.  He said July 1st is the 30th anniversary of Campion’s service to Torrington.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner McLeod, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by the Mayor and members of the Board of Public Safety.

Commissioner Zaharek offered his congratulations and expressed his gratitude to both Departments.

Commissioner Benedetto agreed and asked Chief Brunoli if they could meet to discuss Mutual Aid.  He thanked the Lion’s Club for their donations.

Commissioner Conforti added his congratulations, thanked the Police Dept. for their quick response to the recent homicide and thanked the Fire Department for their fundraiser saying Torrington’s true colors come out at events like that.
Commissioner McLeod said he is impressed with the Police and Fire Departments’ professionalism in the work they do every day.  He said we cannot continue to beat up the Police and Fire Departments by reducing their pensions and benefits.  Mayor Carbone suggested the Commissioners attend the upcoming Board of Finance meeting to advocate for these Departments.

Commissioner Battle expressed her congratulations, said she is proud to be a Torringtonian, and agreed with Commissioner McLeod in her concern about the budget process.

Mayor Carbone agreed with all the messages of gratitude and said it is an honor to look out on our streets and see the integrity that our Departments have and how proudly they represent the City.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 7:30 p.m.

               CITY CLERK

Carol L. Anderson, MCTC, CMC
Assistant City Clerk